In recent times Health and Safety has received a lot of criticism. Health and Safety organizations and workers have been rendered jobsworths, kill joys and plain boring. Stereotyped health and safety regulations have been linked with atrocities such as dulling down science lessons and ruining childhoods by banning British cult classics such as conkers and climbing trees
However, this is far from the aim of the Health and Safety Commission and Executive whose remit is to prevent death, injury and ill health. That is why here at KDM we are all in favour of health and safety but we won’t back down from a game of conkers either. The fit out sector is full of potentially dangerous equipment from hand held tools to machinery. Therefore, health and safety is at the forefront of all our procedures.
KDM currently hold 3 accreditations for our health and safety diligence; Avetta, Alcumus Safe Contractor and (CHAS) Contractors Health and Safety Scheme all of which are recognized SSIPs which is a standard recognized by HSC/E. Increasingly clients are expecting contractors to demonstrate that they have competent health and safety capabilities. Our qualifications ensure that our staff have specific experience and knowledge to deliver and that we have the resources to meet the client’s needs and this is all achieved in a safe and professional manner.
Health and Safety is a massive part of our sector and allows transparency, fluency, and most importantly protection to workers. Health and Safety may be deemed uncool by some but it is a must for any efficient fit out contractor. There are some myths that underscore the importance of health and safety from hanging baskets being banned in case people bump their head to Christmas decorations being banned in work offices. We don’t know about you guys but our office Christmas tree is up in a safe location and we are all looking forward to a well-deserved Festive break.